Our History
The history of the Diocese of Ngong dates back to 1913 when the first Mill Hill Missionaries used to visit, during their home visitation from Kisumu.
Geographical & Administrative Background
Evangelizing the Maasai
When the diocese was created it was a missionary diocese evangelizing the Maasai Community who reside in the two Counties. With time different communities bought land and made areas within the two counties their homes, this has made the two counties become cosmopolitan.
In the thirty-five parishes, we have areas with an aspect of primary evangelization, where the Maasai people are still being persuaded through home visitation, to encourage them to embrace the faith and come to church, where there is a church or gather under a tree where there is no structure. There are areas too where the Catholic face has not penetrated.
The diocese through Priests and Catechists is still carrying on primary evangelization in this areas, through Caritas Ngong, the diocese continues to build schools, health facilities and empower the communities in social economic development. The diocese has over seventy diocesan priests, over 60 religious priests and brothers, over 200 women religious and over 700 Catechists both trained and untrained. There are also over twenty diocesan seminarians in various seminaries in the country.