Vocations Office
The vocations director’s office is one of the departments from the pastoral office charged with the responsibility of recruiting and journeying with young men who are discerning their vocation to priesthood. It operates under the authority and guidance of our Bishop Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa.
Diocesan Vocations Director (V.D)
A cleric directly appointed by the diocesan bishop to accompany young men who desire to be priests in the Roman Catholic Church.
What is a vocation
A vocation is an initiative of love from the heart of God. He calls in a gentle and loving way and invites us to respond in freedom. Discerning a vocation to the priesthood takes time, prayer, reflection, patience, resources, and attentiveness to God’s action – undertaken with the assistance of others. It takes courage to respond to the interior movements of the Holy Spirit.
Guided by the mission of Christ, the vocations office shall ensure promotion of quality vocations to priesthood for Ngong diocese
“Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation.” (Mk. 16:15)
- To promote vocations in the diocese through contact, interaction, and cooperation.
- To enhance networking at all levels in the sphere of vocations promotion.
- To promote collaboration between seminary formators and parish priests
- To ensure that candidates discern sincerely and truly their vocations so as to make informed decisions
- To foster collaboration with other groups or associations that work for vocations promotion.
Core Values
- Integrity: We shall be guided by Christian values at all times and in all circumstances – Truthfulness, Honesty, Reliability, Charity, Hope, and Faith.
- Unity: We shall be committed to the unity of purpose and mind in promotion of the mission of Christ.
- Team Work: Vocations Director shall promote the spirit of collaboration in communion with the Bishop.
- Prayer: all involved in vocations promotion shall endeavor to deepen this ministry through fervent prayer.
- Holiness: The vocations director shall strive to grow after the heart of Christ through listening to the word of God, proclaiming it, and worthy celebration of Liturgy.
A Seminarian
A seminarian is a student in the seminary who is discerning the Lord's call to the Roman Catholic priesthood.
- A baptized, confirmed and practicing catholic.
- Good moral character
- Below 25 years and above 18 years
- Attained C+ and above or equivalent
- Has expressed the desire freely/freedom to enter this state of life.
- Have a deepening habit of prayer and a balanced devotional life.
- Does not have personal financial liability. (Loans like HELB)
Pillars Of Formation
- Human formation: The basis of all priestly formation
- Spiritual formation: In communion with the word of God and in search of Christ.
- Intellectual formation: Understanding the faith.
- Pastoral formation: Communion with the charity of Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd.
Agents Of Formation
- Candidate himself
- Community of origin
- Professors of theology
- The seminary as an educational community
- The church and the Bishop