Welcome to Ngong Catholic
The Catholic Diocese of Ngong is situated in the Southern part of Rift valley serving the Counties of Narok and Kajiado, covering an approximate area of 39, 619km2.
The population being served in the two counties is: Kajiado County 1,117,840 (according to the Census 2019) while Narok County is 1, 157, 873 (Census 2019). Of this population 356, 693 are Catholics - with Narok county comprising 152, 607 and Kajiado 204, 086.
The populations are largely cosmopolitan with the Maasai constituting about 60% of the total population. Rt. Rev. John Oballa Owaa is the current Bishop of the Diocese of Ngong. The Diocese has 41 Parishes clustered in seven deaneries: Kilgoris, Ololulunga, Narok, Ngong, Kiserian, Kajiado and Oloitokitok.
There are over 70 diocesan priests, over 60 Religious Priests and Brothers, over 200 women religious, and over 700 Catechists trained and untrained.